Frequently Asked Questions

Below you can find some common questions and answers related to the plugin.

I installed the plugin but I don’t see the state charts nodes!

Make sure you enabled the plugin in the project settings. In the menu go to Project -> Project Settings. This opens the project settings dialog. There select the Plugins tab and tick the Enable checkbox near the Godot State Charts plugin.

How can I find the currently active state?

In a state chart multiple states can be active at the same time. In general, you should avoid tracking active states in your code - this is the responsibility of the state chart. Your code is responsible for what happens, while the state chart is responsible for when it happens. If you need to know whether a certain state is active, you can get a reference to that state’s node (using Godot’s built-in get_node or GetNode functions) and then check the active property of that node.

Can you backport the library to Godot 3?

I’m afraid not. While it technically would be totally possible to do so, I don’t have the bandwidth for maintaining two versions of the library. I prefer to focus on the latest version of Godot, which is currently 4.

Can I use this library with C#?

Yes, you can. The library is written in GDScript, but it provides a wrapper API for C# as well. Please check the manual for more information.